Pupils from across the country met in the capital to "take a stand against emissions" chanting “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” and there was a return of “fuck Theresa May”.
Scientists have managed to convert them into the carbon chips found in the batteries of almost every device
The recent disappearance of great whites from False Bay off South Africa has led to the emergence of another apex predator, sevengill sharks, that now dominate the area
The filling and draining of meltwater lakes has been found to cause a floating Antarctic ice shelf to flex, potentially threatening its stability, warns new research
A device that turns ocean waves into electricity for thousands of homes has been created by Scottish scientists.
Researchers found it while exploring an isolated mountain in south western Ethiopia where some of the last primary forest of the African country remains
The previous oldest remnants were dated to 570 million years ago, but the new evidence was uncovered in a fossil deposit in Gabon
It has been some time in coming but eventually the Conservative Party has accepted that there is a link between the roll-out of Universal Credit and the increase usage of food banks, by those in desperate need of basic food and living supplies. Amber Rudd accepted that huge increase in food bank usage has, in some part, been caused by UC. Until today senior Tories have flatly denied that this was the case. The number of emergency food parcels handed...
The metal units are among dozens of old storage containers being turned into living spaces as part of a project
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