They don’t want a house, a mortgage, a car, things. All they want is their future, their planet. And all they have to offer in return? Only ideas, energy, respect, innocence, purity, originality, love and joy.
Crowds gathered outside Parliament to protest a perceived failure of politicians to tackle the climate emergency facing the planet and a Government “that doesn’t care about” them.
As school children protest in over 100 countries today for more to be done to tackle climate change, the Swedish girl who started the global campaign has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The School Strike For Climate movement started when Greta Thunberg, 15, began striking from school and protesting outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm last year for more to be done to fight climate change. Her story travelled around the globe, and soon school children were joining...
Parents have been shamed by their own children – for bad recycling practices, according to research. A poll of 2,000 mums and dads of children aged five to 18 found one in six believe their kids know more about what can be recycled than they do. And four in 10 have tried to throw something away, only to be caught out by a child who knew better. A quarter of kids have even pointed out good recycling habits at the...
Over the last 540 million years the Earth has weathered three such events - with ice sheets and glaciers stretching far beyond the polar cap
Residents at Longbeach Leisure Park, Hornsea have been left in panic after a huge 50m crack appeared just metres from their doorsteps at the cliff edge
Activities can range from hiking through the wilderness to being taken to wetlands for instruction on frogs or simply planting flowers at school.
The US president has tweeted a claim regarding climate change that is false. He seemed to be tweeting a statement he watched on Fox News on Tuesday morning, writing, “Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.” However, the Greenpeace organisation refutes Mr Moore’s claims that he...
During the marine heatwave off the West Cost of the United States, scientists noticed creatures typically seen only in places off the coast of Mexico, showing up hundreds of miles further north – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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