Shockingly over four million children are living in poverty in the UK. The figures have been released by the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) and they indicate that there has not been any rise in household income between 2017 & 2018. This leaves 30 per cent (over four million) of children still living below the poverty line. There is also concern from the Resolution Foundation that 70 per cent of these children actually come from working families. Chief Executive...
Only an estimated 120,000 reds remain in Scotland, after their numbers were decimated by habitat loss and persecution.
A new study has revealed the Galapagos Islands have at least 53 non-native species probably brought in on boats.
Findings in apex predators act as warning to humans of danger blooms present to health
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published data showing the prevalence of mental health problems among young people in England. The numbers suggest that certain groups of are at greater risk of developing a mental health problem in childhood and adolescence, including people who live in social housing, those whose parents have a mental health problem and those whose families need support from benefits. The research also found that children of all ages whose parents were in receipt of welfare...
They say groups of trees have a 'profound cooling effect' on urban environments which are naturally hotter than the countryside.
The small group of men and women have pitched up in George Square, across from Glasgow City Council's City Chambers building.
Nearly half of Brits are still using almost twice as much energy as necessary to wash their laundry, according to research. A poll of 1,000 adults who are responsible for the washing in their household found 48 per cent set their machine to 40 degrees as standard. One in five believe washing above 30 degrees means ‘it gets the whites whiter’, and a further 34 per cent think a lower temperature wash means a sub-standard clean. However, if every household...
Wildlife photographer Andrew Fusek Peters spent hours crouched in a bog pool to capture the shots – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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