Their macabre rituals are the subject of a new study as experts worry their prodding and licking of corpses may spread diseases like Ebola
Increasing ground temperatures in the Arctic are indicators of global climate change
Landrose Developments Limited ordered the demolition rather than spend more time waiting for a license after soprano pipistrelle bats were found to be roosting in the home in Stanmore, north west London.
The dramatic loss of ice in the Arctic is influencing sea-ice transport across the Arctic Ocean
The 'dustbin lid' jellyfish have been spotted in unprecedented numbers
Climate change has already changed breeding seasons of Britain's birds, butterflies, moths and flies
The Mini mum is just 8-11mm long. Other new species have been named Mini scule, with the largest, Miniature, a 'whopping' 15mm long.
The disease chytridiomycosis which eats away at the skin of amphibians threatens to contribute to the Earth's sixth mass extinction unless it can be controlled
Every year a million wildebeest, half a million gazelle and 200,000 zebra make the perilous trek from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara reserve in Kenya to search for water and grazing land. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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