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“Entitled” Farage turns up at No 10 asking for a seat at negotiating table

Nigel Farage has been branded “entitled” today after he handed a letter to the Prime Minister asking for a seat at the negotiating table, despite his party having no MPs.

The Brexit Party leader, still reeling from losing the Peterborough by election last night, set out his demands in a note to the leadership contenders.

Addressing the letter “Dear Prime Minister” he cc’d in the 11 candidates vying to take the reins from Theresa May.

But in a hilarious blunder the first letter addressed Sajid Javid as Sajid David, a mistake which has since been corrected.

In the letter, Mr Farage said: “We now have the most recent, and winning democratic mandate on Brexit.

“If the first past the post system had been used, we would have a parliamentary majority of over 240 seats.

“The electorate have asked for us to come into the negotiating team and we are ready to do so immediately.

“This is especially the case given the lack of activity and focus, due to the leadership contest.

“We should firstly review the state of No Deal preparations and help advance them as required, to give confidence to the nation that we will be fully ready.

“I trust you will agree that the country should not suffer the further uncertainty of having to beg for another delay beyond 31 October 2019.”

Labour MP Rupa Huq said the letter was “peak Farage”, posting on Twitter:

“They couldn’t win a by-election at peak Farage but astonishing sense of entitlement in demanding a place at table in EU talks in manner that only an establishment anti-establishment figure could pull off.”

Ian Fraser labelled it a “nonsensical stunt” and others pointed out that Farage has no mandate to ask for anything.

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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