
School that closed has reopened after two people connected to school contracted coronavirus

Students have returned to a school which closed earlier this month after two people connected to the school contracted coronavirus.

St Johns Fisher Catholic School in Kent was fully reopened today after undergoing a ‘deep clean’ last week.

A year 8 pupil was diagnosed with COVID-19 leading to both sites in Chatham being closed.

The school’s upper site, in Ordnance Street, which houses year 9-13 pupils, reopened on Wednesday, March 11.

Its lower site in nearby Maidstone Road, for Years 7 and 8 opened its doors again this morning.

Both are connected to Kent’s original patient – a worker at Maidstone Studios who also has a link to Faversham.

This person is believed to have recently returned from a trip to Italy before falling ill.

As of Sunday afternoon there are 13 cases of the virus in Kent.

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Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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