Education Secretary insists children are ‘resilient’, not ‘snowflakes’, and should be taught ‘how to think, not what to think’.
In a survey of nearly 6,500 teachers just one per cent thought the government's new plan would be 'very effective.'
"There was widespread drunkenness with many guests rude to the staff and crashing into them."
"A lost decade of state school funding. Is the education secretary really saying that failing to invest in education was worth it to rebuild the economy?"
He was asked if we got through financial crisis "on the backs of state school pupil funding."
In the darkest of times, our children always give me so much hope!
Institutions have been told they cannot accept fees or donations from clients on the sanctions list or banks subject to an asset freeze.
" guidelines being announced for schools in England appear to focus more on stoking up divisions and creating a debate about ‘culture wars’ than ensuring that pupils get the best possible education on racism and discrimination is deeply disturbing."
“Changing data protection law is very central to the government’s post-Brexit policy. We all remember the A-levels fiasco in 2020." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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