By Robert Sun Preparing the next generation for success in life is perhaps the most important task of any society. So it comes as no surprise that here in the US, there is immense pressure at the national level to measure our progress in educating our children. The question we must ask, however, is whether the measuring sticks we use to accomplish this task are truly accurate. Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, is whether high-stakes testing produces graduates prepared to...
By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent A new report on university education has found studying profession-linked degrees is more important than ever. The study revealed that almost three-quarters (73 per cent) of professionals believe it is now more important than ever to choose a vocational degree linked to a profession, such as law or medicine, particularly now the price of going to university is so high. Over 2,000 graduates and high-net-worth professionals were polled in a study commissioned by Investec Private Banking to reveal...
By Robert Sun It’s not often that an inner-city American school rises to the top of national rankings in academics, and yet Baldi Middle School in Philadelphia has beaten the odds— not just once, but multiple times. Its track record reveals some important insights for anyone concerned with improving the learning experience for children. In a nationwide online maths competition involving 6,000 schools in 45 states, Baldi ended the latest school year ranked #1, as students solved almost 20 million...
By Pooja Ganeriwala, Content Manager at It's no secret that the economic benefits of obtaining an IT certification can be staggering; allowing IT professionals to earn nearly 8 - 13 per cent premium above a base salary. Factor in the compounding effect of annual pay bumps and increased chances for promotions and the incentive to earn certifications becomes all the more appealing. Which is perhaps why the industry deals with a high level of cheating fraud each year, mainly...
By Gregory Taylor It maybe not be something that is at the top of everyone’s lists at the moment, but an issue which I feel is important and possibly overlooked is that around 57 million children around the world are currently not getting any sort of education. This is shocking. In this country we take education for granted, yes of course we have many issues in the UK to do with primary education, but nothing compared to some of the...
Sport News 24/7 By Philip Benton A few weeks into another domestic football season, arguably set to be the most exciting Premier League season yet, and as we approach our first international break, I’ve been reflecting on what was another dismal World Cup campaign for the English national team and whether a fundamental reason for it could partly be down to the fact I had to Google translate the title of this article. The ‘English’ Premier League There’s been a...
By Gregory Taylor For most university students the next few years will be the best years of their lives, but although the university experience is life changing, I feel it does not prepare a student for the outside world of work. Far too often you hear employers moaning about university graduates not having the right skills for the work place and graduates not having good work ethics. So how do you solve a problem like this? Well, we should look no...
By Robert Sun America is in danger of becoming the world’s first “derivative economy.” Once renowned around the world for our prodigious ability to manufacture, invent, and revolutionize, the U.S. is becoming a place where pastimes take precedence, image is king, and quick money is the goal. Eighty years ago, banking profits accounted for less than 5% of all U.S. corporate profit. In recent years they peaked at around 40%. College graduates are lured with the promise of making big...
By Robert Sun Last March, 34 years after its predecessor program became the most viewed series in PBS history, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, began its mission to introduce a new generation of viewers to the wonders of the universe. No less a fan than President Obama opened the first episode, saying that "there are new frontiers to explore, and we need Americans eager to explore them". President Obama has long been a proponent of education,... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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