Drinking alcohol improves memory for information learned before the drinking episode began, new research has found. In the University of Exeter study, 88 social drinkers were given a word-learning task. Participants were then split in two groups at random and told either to drink as much as they liked (the average was four units) or not to drink at all. The next day, they all did the same task again – and those who had drunk alcohol remembered more of...
A tiny school where children tell on teachers for leaving the lights on has been named the most eco-friendly in the country. Polesden Lacey Infant School, which has just 90 pupils, beat more than 780 schools across the country to win the coveted environmental award. Polesden Lacey Infant School Oakdene Cl, Great Bookham, Leatherhead KT23 4PT, which has won a national award and has been named as the Green School of the year. Head Teacher Rosie Keedy pictured with children...
A primary school was in chaos today after the entire teaching staff QUIT. Sixteen teachers - including two heads and a number of staff with more than 20 years' service - have left since the start of the year. Many teachers have previously been signed off for stress with the final seven members of staff leaving as the summer term ended today. Union reps and insiders are blaming the leadership at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School for the...
Lincoln is the most affordable university town in the UK, according to new research. The East Midlands city, which boasts a student population of over 12,000 people, has been ranked above Cardiff, Leicester and Newcastle in a new list of the top 50 cheapest places to be a student. The study takes into account factors like rent, travel costs, gym memberships and even the price of a kebab in compiling the index. Attendees of Lancaster University are shown to have...
A cash-strapped school has resorted to asking parents to buy TEXTBOOKS for their children because of a lack of funding. Hanley Castle High School, in Worcester have sent out letters to mums and dads asking for financial help to plug a £400,000 cut in their budget. Headteacher Lindsey Cook has requested that parents cough up a £40 yearly fee to cover the costs of books. Meanwhile, sixth form students will have to pay for all of their textbooks. Mrs...
Britain’s most hipster school has opened where children have no rules, exams or uniform, climb trees barefoot and learn just three days a week – in a YURT. Pupils at The Green House Education Project spend their time playing outside and wearing what they like. They don’t have desks but instead sit on blankets and huddle round wood burning stoves. The kids are not tutored in traditional subjects but instead are taught ‘how to resolve problems’, ‘find their real passion...
Parents have blasted a school as “draconian” for measuring the length of girls’ skirts by ordering them to KNEEL on chairs to see how far their hems ride up their thighs. The bizarre measuring technique was outlined by the secondary school in a letter sent to parents in a crackdown on uniform “compliance”. If the hemline of the skirt is more than 5cm (1.9ins) away from the chair then girls will be ordered home to change into a longer garment....
Monty Python legend Michael Palin has been awarded an honorary doctorate from one of Scotland's most prestigious universities. The accomplished actor, writer and television presenter was made an honorary Doctor of Science by the University of St Andrews, Fife, this morning. He joins fellow Monty Python members Terry Jones, who was previously awarded an honorary degree, and John Cleese, a former rector, in having links with the university. His doctorate was awarded in recognition of his contribution to the understanding...
Custom College Essay Writing services are widely accessible over the Internet now days. Each time you read through the web, you will run over many textbooks for sale which is offering and elevating articles to unwary college students all around the world. In actuality, these organizations are unsavoury, ill-conceived and doing their buyers a noteworthy injury and harming them over the long run. Wondering why purchasing an essay online is an awful thought? Keep reading for the solution to your...
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