Almost 6,000 school staff lost their jobs in 2017 as the Conservative Government’s education cuts began to bite, according to GMB Union New figures released today also show nearly 3,000 teaching assistant lost their jobs last year – the first drop since records began. In total 5,800 school support staff posts were cut last year - a reduction of 1.1 per cent of the workforce. And 2,800 teaching assistants lost their jobs. This was the first time that the number...
The Orthodox Jewish all-girls high school was slammed for blanking out pictures of men and women standing together in textbooks - and teachers even crossed out bare ankles in science books.
Staff fork out on food for hungry kids, tampons, toilet rolls, pens, pencils and books as funding cuts bite More than half of school support staff feel they have to spend their own money on things for children at cash-strapped schools, a new GMB study shows. Teaching assistants and other support staff are forking out on food for hungry kids, tampons, pens, pencils and books. Staff report having to bring balls and even paper aeroplanes for break time because ‘our...
The study suggests that exposure to violent crime can lower test scores by up to 10 per cent - even for children who don't experience it
A new tool has been released which reveals how individual schools have been hit by government cuts. Some £2.8 billion has been cut from school budgets since 2015. That equates to an average of £54,000 cut per primary school and 205,600 per secondary school. A new School Cuts App shows what schools in your community will lose by 2020, with some in line for cuts of over £250 per pupil as classroom sizes balloon and funding is withdrawn. The app...
They targeted the Senate House which is over a thousand years old.
A generation of children's education is being compromised as staff numbers are cut, classes get larger, and staff are forced to bring basic things like toilet paper from home says GMB GMB, the union for school support staff, says the Conservative’s latest grammar school plans steal from the majority of UK children to give the rich more choice. The Government has announced a £50 million fund for grammars schools to expand to "give parents greater choice". Karen Leonard, GMB National...
Emergency services called to Nechells E-ACT Primary Academy in Birmingham after part of ceiling fell on top of a Year 2 class
Students at a university are clashing over LIBRARY seats - as they battle to finish their dissertations. Undergraduates are reporting seeing furious rows over chair availability as deadlines approach. University of Bristol student Rob Angel tweeted after seeing two fellow student clash over a seat in the uni's Arts and Social Sciences Library (ASSL). He wrote: "Just seen a full blown argument between two students over a seat in the library. The end is near!" And the Bristol University Library's... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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