Europe alone had exports worth $ 6,838,476,172 in the year 2017. Such stats are clear indicators that most business now need managers who are trained in a global economy and are aware of the international trade process.
Local drug dealers say demand is so high they have started padding out their cocaine supplies with ground-up glass.
A major problem within science and medical journalism and coverage is the almost inevitable tendency for publications to seize a piece of research and hype it up until its actual meaning is lost.
The family of Somer Umeed Bakhsh fled Pakistan after receiving death threats because of their Christian faith.
Imogen Noble took a stab at penning the 12,000-word piece from scratch a day before the hand in date
Labour’s Jamie Driscoll is proposing that every state school in his North of Tyne area should have at least one UN-accredited climate change teacher.
The committee has called for a 10-year education funding plan.
There are almost 200+ universities in Asia who feature in world rankings, ranging from top 30 to 1000.
A very noticeable trend has been observed in students to opt for the Online Global MBA program. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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