“Teachers are increasingly angry that their pay is not keeping pace with the soaring cost of living, as inflation reaches unprecedented levels."
He feels the reason so many teachers are leaving the profession is partly down to disrespect by children they teach. It is also partly due to "ineffective bureaucracy".
18-24 year-olds are also finding themselves using food banks for the first time, the research found.
"I think that is going to be my lot and I'm going to retire now. Having one is enough for me."
Parents could soon be paying half a million pounds to send their children to boarding school.
Her remarks about her own education has drawn criticism from political leaders in the city, and former pupils and staff of her former school.
In an often-repeated line of her leadership campaign, Ms Truss said she saw “first hand how children were failed and let down by low expectations” during her comprehensive state schooling in Leeds.
The protest group were shouting chants and carrying signs that read: "Stop grooming kids", "Wake up this is child abuse" and "Leave the kids alone."
“Too many children are already falling through the cracks – their families cannot afford a paid school meal, but they are not eligible for free school meals.”
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