Dr Gopal, a Fellow of Churchill College at the university, shared some of the hate speech she was receiving, including one man sending her a picture of a noose and writing: "We are coming for you you n***er loving piece of s*it".
Writer Dillibe Onyeama told the BBC he was bullied daily during his four years at the school.
As September approaches, when the majority of pupils will hopefully return, children who have had no learning throughout the lockdown will trail behind their peers.
A series of recommendations were made to university bosses following an inquiry into the history of eugenics.
For children and staff who have not been in school since Monday 15 June, tests will be delivered to their home address, to avoid unnecessary journeys.
The 22-year-old studied philosophy, politics and economics.
Boris Johnson called it a “crazed communist scheme” when it was proposed by Jeremy Corbyn last year.
Calls for four-year post-study work visa to help universities overcome Covid-19 and Brexit.
The findings come as ministers face pressure to get children back to school as soon as possible.
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