The vile chat also included a string of sexist, misogynistic and offensives messages - including jokes about rape and comments that George Floyd "had it coming".
As expected the new University term is bringing Covid 19 outbreaks.
“They don’t have access to internet, their schools are shut and they don’t have any means to learn.”
The lack of clarity and guidance and funding from the Government is putting both children and workers in danger.
“It's as though covid never happened and they are playing Russian roulette.”
“We are hearing stories of teachers being told they must travel hundreds of miles for a test – the Government must act on this immediately.”
Number 10 is yet to confirm whether the prime minister and his staff will self isolate.
Ahead of schools reopening and MPs returning to Westminster, the Labour leader said the Education Secretary should go to Parliament to “tell us how he will protect our children’s futures”.
One teaching union expressed a ‘weary, resigned sense of inevitability’ at the timing. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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