"This is an absolutely rabid level of misogyny and intellectually infantilising for the boys now in his care", one person said.
Labour says the policy could raise £1.7 billion to invest in state schools.
The University of St Andrews has been named the top UK university in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide.
The New Conservatives group say students with low grades “tend to undertake poorer quality degrees that do not lead to graduate-level salaries”.
Turns out the story that has infuriated right-wingers all week has got no basis in reality, shock horror!
Parents were told their children would be given a sandwich and a piece of fruit in place of their hot meal and separated from their friends.
"Have any of you ever thought that it’s a bit odd that you don’t hear any dissenting voices, everybody’s all pushing the same narrative?"
A year after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, hard-liners appear to hold sway in the Taliban-led government.
"I've noticed a quite disturbing rise in this sort of toxic nationalism since the death of the #Queen," wrote one person in repsonse to his comment.
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