Not a good week for relations between teachers and the government.
“We have a significant number of children who will be directly affected by this decision.”
“When I went back to them there were loads of people at their doors saying the same thing. It’s such a scary thing to happen.”
“Given the volume and categories of personal data being processed, the lack of awareness amongst staff presents a high risk that data will not be processed in a compliant manner and could result in multiple data breaches or further breaches of legislation.”
Alan Rusbridger's field office has been warmly received on social media.
She blasted the ‘baby food' packed lunches and said she was shocked when she was given the meat - which is forbidden by her religion.
“I am now hearing that people aren’t teaching you what they need to – they’re overly indoctrinating you, it’s gone political, people are saying it has gone to the left, they’re forcing ideas on you."
In a statement emailed last night, university bosses said students caught breaking the rules would face “robust” disciplinary action.
"Gavin Williamson was that pi**ed off that he never was represented by a spitting image puppet after the A level debacle......he is having another go with university students." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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