“That the university are now negotiating shows the power that students have when we take collective, direct action."
“We had one family where all the kids had to share a bed, they were shattered. It’s not right.”
The society is made up of students reading PPE at the top university - Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
“The slave auction just allowed the most disturbing and nefarious qualities and the most troubled students to percolate to the surface."
“I think there was a boiling point when they put up those fences. It was a final breaking point for most students.”
“We think it is a real missed opportunity, it’s another half measure and, without school closures as part of it, it is unlikely to have the effect that the Prime Minister wants.”
“The National Education Union called for a two-week circuit break over half-term to include schools, which the Wales Government and the Northern Ireland assembly have done – but the Government in Westminster has ignored this call."
“Teachers in the schools with whom we work with are increasingly telling us that they are concerned about levels of hate speech, extremism, denial, anti-Semitism and so on to which young people are exposed."
“This has been a terrible year for many families, and they should at least be able to have a Christmas without worrying about how they are going to feed their children. This is modern Britain, not the Victorian era.”
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