“Today, we have to deal with many of society’s problems in schools, issues with drugs and violence, knife crime, county lines that spill over into our classrooms. These crimes often go unreported as schools are afraid of the repercussions.”
“So many salaries, paid for from the public purse, rising over the £200,000 mark, and some well-publicised, almost reaching half a million pounds.”
A statement purportedly on behalf of students railed against “racism, Islamophobia and transphobia” and said pupils were angry at a lack of recognition of the Black Lives Matter movement.
“The Government have been failing young people in schools, they are failing rape victims in our country and they have got to do something about this now.”
“It is particularly worrying that women appear to choose subjects that lead them to a smaller wage packet than men.”
The school closed at the last minute this morning due to a second day of protests.
"Despite the claims of the UK Government, they have not backed up the new Turing scheme with the funding required to support postgraduate students to study abroad.This will harm the futures of thousands of students for years to come."
It comes after a state school in London beat Eton with its Oxbridge offers.
“The fact that I, through luck and the support of others, ‘made it’ in spite of social-economic barriers shouldn’t justify our system and society."
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