“His limited concept of the purpose of education has once again proven himself to be once completely out of touch with the country.”
"Robert, I can guarantee that every single teacher in this country worked harder than you - a man, who as far as I can tell, is paid £750,000 a year to paraphrase WhatsApp messages he receives from Dominic Cummings."
This comes just over a month after Batley Primary School saw hundreds of protesters camp outside the school after a teacher showed a cartoon mocking the prophet.
"That's my name. It's always been my name. I'm taking back what's mine."
“The saddest thing was that female teachers even enforced the blatantly sexist rules."
“Ministers must model the behaviour they want to see in maintaining discipline and adherence to Covid safety measures."
“I wish it was only a one-off but the number of times that’s come across my desk I cannot begin to tell you. It has been pretty widespread.”
"Teachers and school and college leaders must never be made the scapegoats for the failures of Governments."
“Let’s keep talking, let’s keep listening as rape culture is everywhere."
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