Ofsted's chief inspector also said, most girls "laugh it off" when they are sent naked pictures.
"People were laughing and saying ‘slag'". In response, hundreds of girls at the school wore skirts the following day as a sign of solidarity.
In one case a pupil wrote "KKK" on a black pupil’s locker.
"Some parents can’t afford tutors for their children, but Boris Johnson thinks children should simply choose wealthier parents, like he did."
“I’ll tell you what’s absurd.... Putting people through THREE lockdowns and then, delaying the end of restrictions due to your incompetence. Let’s start there.”
The academic was branded a “rape apologist” a “scumbag” and a “crusty old man.”
"They'll pony up the cash for Super Yachts for Ministers but the cupboard's bare for nurses' pay and poorer kids' education."
"I’m sorry you cannot come on here and say you have got massive expansion plans when everyone else but you says you haven't got the money to do it."
In 1986, while on a visit to China, he told British students: “If you stay here much longer you'll all be slitty-eyed”.
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