Judge Manley said: "I am satisfied that the belief that 'big banks are a cancer on society' can amount to a philosophical belief..."
“It is shocking that the Conservatives are introducing a new law to give Holocaust deniers, anti-vaxxers and people harmful to public interest the opportunity to sue their way to a platform at universities," Labour said.
"The UAE is a deeply illiberal state with a zero-tolerance stance on free speech and critical thought, and it deals with its critics in the most brutal fashion imaginable through torture and forced disappearances.”
Lawrence Schimel, the book’s author, said in an email that requiring the labelling of books with content that deviates from the norm is “a pernicious concept, often used as a weapon to try to cultivate or justify prejudice and intolerance”.
The Duke of Northumberland’s estate company has sparked fears that seven blocks of flats could replace two thirds of the Isleworth Allotment Gardens, which have been used by locals to grow their own food for over a century.
“The Education Secretary appears to be obsessed with the subject of mobile phones in schools. In reality, every school will already have a robust policy on the use of mobile phones."
"The identity and rural character of these communities will be permanently lost."
"Ignore the government slashing school funding and youth services, voting not to feed hungry kids and only giving a tenth of what was recommended to allow kids to catch up, it’s people saying “white privilege” that’s holding kids back."
Ofsted's chief inspector also said, most girls "laugh it off" when they are sent naked pictures.
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