
Corbyn takes lead over May in poll of who would make best PM

Corbyn fans are in dreamland at the moment. Labour were recently ahead in the polls and now the leader himself is more popular than May, when it comes to leading the country.

The Labour leader will be making an appearance at Glastonbury, which is likely to draw huge crowds. It is doubtful whether many people would turn up to listen to any other major political figure speak.

In a YouGov poll for the Times Corbyn has edged past Theresa May, who simply can’t catch a break at the moment. Blunder after blunder has damaged the confidence in her as a leader.

The poll indicated that 35 per cent prefer the left-wing Labour man, while only 34 per cent would rather May was the PM. She is still yet to form a Government as talks with the DUP have stalled.

The poll did show that voters still trust the Tories over Labour to handle the Brexit negotiations.

34 per cent said they thought the Tories would best handle the situation, compared to 20 per cent who thought Labour would do better.

Most polls since the June 8 election have shown Jeremy Corbyn ahead or neck-and-neck with Theresa May’s party.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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