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Corbyn still miles ahead with Labour members

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor

There were rumours of plots to oust the Labour leader, even after a decent enough showing in the recent local elections, but a new poll shows that he won’t be going anywhere any time soon.

A YouGov survey for the Times, has discovered that almost two-thirds of party members would vote for Corbyn again if there was another leadership vote.

The findings will blunt the knifes of any plotters in the party who can’t wait ti see the back of the left-wing leader. Any moves to ditch him as leader any time soon will not stand a chance.

He took almost sixty per cent of member votes in the previous leadership contest. The only way in which Corbyn could be replaced is if his detractors forced a contest and he decided not to stand.

If this was the case, which is pretty unlikely, then one of his supporters such as shadow chancellor John McDonnell could stand in his place and would probably win the race.

These poll results follow comments from Peter Mandelson who said: “We are in a situation now where he is unelectable in the country but unassailable in the Party”.

Mandelson’s comments have been seen as a subtle signal to Labour MPs that any plans to shift Corbyn as leader of the party, should be held back until nearer to the general election, hoping that his support has withered away by then.

In the days leading up to the recent local elections there were plans for a coup with whisperings that former minister and Public Accounts Committee chair Margaret Hodge was being lined up as a stalking horse for a coup attempt.

The poll also revealed that members now believe that Corbyn will become prime minister at some point. Some 47 per cent say he is likely to enter Downing Street, compared to 40 per cent in November 2015.

Labour members who want to overthrow Corbyn can’t agree on who should lead the party after he has gone. 19 per cent name Dan Jarvis, 17 per cent Andy Burnham and 13 per cent Yvette Cooper. Just five per cent name the one-time rising Labour star Chuka Umunna, who planned to stand for party leader last time, but reversed his decision within a matter of hours.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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