
Compassion in World Farming slam Gove over back tracking

Compassion in World Farming is concerned UK Government may be back tracking on live export commitment.

The environmental organisation welcomed the publication of the Agricultural Bill but are concerned that Gove appears to be back tracking on his live export commitment.

James West, Senior Policy Manager at Compassion in World Farming, said: “Compassion in World Farming welcome the publication of the Agriculture Bill, with its focus on using public money to support public goods, such as high environmental standards.

“One of the main pillars of these payments must be support for high animal welfare standards. The Government has committed to ensuring the UK is a global leader in animal welfare. This Bill should be used to support farmers, who ensure their animals are reared to high animal welfare standards. Britons, as a nation of animal lovers, would expect no less.

“However, we are concerned that Mr Gove appears to be back tracking on his live export commitment. On numerous occasions, Michael Gove has spoken about how the government are considering stopping live exports for slaughter. This morning, when pressed, he repeatedly used the word ‘restrict’. The campaign to stop live exports is one that has run for many years, and an issue people feel very strongly about. It will be a major disappointment to the majority of British citizens if the Government abandon their plans. Mr Gove must hold firm and stop live exports.”

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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