
Call for probe of Boris Johnson for writing Jews control the media and the ’n’ word

There are accusations that “oligarchs who ran the TV stations” “of Jewish origin” are able to fiddle a vote, moaning political correctness facilitates Muslim terrorism; mixed race people called “half-caste”; travellers described as “pikeys”; someone is “stupid because he is a coon” and a traffic warden working in Westminster as a “hunter-gatherer” because he is an African immigrant as well as the use of the “n” word.

No this isn’t some white supremacist neo-nazi manifesto, it’s a comedy book about “Islamofascists” plotting a terrorist attack in London written by the leader of the Conservative party Boris Johnson. 

You may not have read about these racial slurs in the Conservative press, but can you imagine the front pages if Jeremy Corbyn had ever said or written anything like this?

Instead the front cover of Johnson’s 2004 novel Seventy-Two Virgins: A Comedy of Errors, has a quote from a review in the Daily Telegraph.

Effortlessly brilliant page-turner” says the Daily Telegraph. “Such an entertaining read” said the Daily Mail..

Diane Abbott, Labour’s Shadow Home Secretary, responded to Boris Johnson’s book with its antisemitic trope, use of the n-word, suggestion a black character is “stupid because he is a coon” and implying black people are not indigenous to Britain, by insisting that according to his own vows to root out racism in the Conservative party that has been called “systemic he should be immediately suspended and investigated.

“It’s shocking that Boris Johnson writes about minorities in this way. He is simply not fit to be an MP, let alone our Prime Minister,” said the Shadow Home Secretary.

“Boris Johnson wrote this when he was a Conservative Shadow Minister. It exposes his deeply-held racist views which fuel hatred and bigotry towards black people and minorities.

“Johnson has said that Conservative candidates who are guilty of racism are ‘out first bounce’, so he should be immediately suspended and placed under investigation. Johnson’s record of racism is repulsive to many black people and minorities. It’s not too late to stop him getting back in to Number 10 Downing Street.”

Under IHRA antisemitism rules brought in under Jeremy Corbyn – who the Tory leader has repeatedly accused of not doing enough to stop antisemitism – Boris Johnson would have been suspended and investigated if he was a Labour party MP.

Moreover, two Conservative candidates who were suspended after accusations of antisemitism during the election campaign are still standing as Conservative candidates on December 12.

The Conservative party has so far refused to comment on the racial slurs in the comedy novel Johnson penned while a Conservative MP.

Johnson has never apologised for any of the language in it. Or for that matter the language in his other writings from slurs like “piccaninnies” and “puffing coolies” to accusing Nelson Mandela of moving Africa towards a “tyranny of black majority rule.”

His writings have also shown contempt for working class people as “feckless” and “unemployed” and working single mothers and their children too – though the PM refuses to say how many of those he is responsible for.

READ MORE: Gary Neville calls out Boris Johnson for fuelling racism live on Sky Sports

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Ben Gelblum

Contributing & Investigations Editor & Director of Growth wears glasses and curly hair cool ideas to: ben.gelblum (at) @BenGelblum

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