The cold-hearted theft of food earmarked for the children of key workers helping the nation fight the virus pandemic was today being investigated by police.
Four commercial freezers worth of frozen food were stolen from a school by raiders who broke in over the weekend.
The food was going to help feed the children of key workers like nurses and doctors while their parents were are at work.
The theft at Gosfield School, in Gosfield, Essex, sparked anger from the local community.
The school shared a message on its Facebook page this morning and said staff were “incredibly saddened” to find that all of the food on-site had been taken.
Sharing photos of where the freezers had stood in their kitchen, as well as the inside of a fridge that had been stripped bare, the school said it has been left unable to feed the children who are still coming in.
A school spokesperson wrote: “We are so incredibly saddened to share with you this morning that Gosfield School catering department suffered an extensive burglary over the weekend.
“CCTV footage shows that the theft took place on Friday night and early Saturday morning.
“Items taken include four commercial sized freezers full of food, all of the dry foods in the kitchen and all chilled food taken from our catering refrigerators.

Essex Police
“The School is working with Essex Police, and a forensics team are due to attend to gather evidence.
“Of course this means that we are unable to feed the children of Critical Workers who are attending School today, or the staff who have kindly volunteered to come in and run the skeleton operation to make this work.
“We will not be able to feed the children and staff for the foreseeable future.
“Members of staff have been into Halstead to purchase food early this morning but with restrictions on what they are allowed to purchase this is not straightforward.
“Therefore we would respectfully request that all children of key workers who are attending School bring along a packed lunch, nut free snacks and a water bottle.
“Anyone with any information is encouraged to contact the School on 01787 474040 or Essex Police quoting crime reference number 42-44904-20.”

The spokesperson added that, since sharing the post on their Facebook page this morning, they have been “overwhelmed” with offers of help and food donations.
They wrote: “First Catering in Rayleigh have offered us a chest freezer. We are absolutely thrilled – thank you so much.
“We are fine now, but would like to warn other schools to be careful, as this kind of thing might keep happening.”
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