
Budget “more trick than treat” as Amazon let off & potholes get more cash than pupils

I don’t know how the Government have the cheek to say austerity is over then deliver this budget with a straight face says GMB Union

Chancellor Philip Hammond’s budget has been ‘more trick than treat’ after Amazon were given a free pass until 2020 at least and school children were handed a pittance.

The Chancellor announced a new digital services tax which gives the likes of Amazon a free pass until at least 2020.

Meanwhile the UK’s desperately under-funded education system was handed a one off payment of just £400 million – less that £50 per pupil.

This means a higher proximity in the Budget for potholes and public toilets than the nation’s children.

The British public overwhelmingly support measures to end austerity as exclusive polling by Survation for GMB revealed this weekend.

Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said:“It’s apt that this budget comes right before Halloween because it’s certainly more trick than treat, and dare I say the devil is in the detail.

“The Chancellor had a chance today to make corporate giants like Amazon pay their way but instead chose to go so ‘softly’ I’m not sure they’ll even notice.

“I don’t remember this government going so softly when it came to local government budgets and public sector pay.

It’s a scandal when potholes get more than pupils. I don’t know how the Government have the cheek to say austerity is over then deliver this budget with a straight face. The public simply will not buy it.”



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Tags: Amazon