
Asbos for dogs considered as part of crackdown on rogue pet and owner behaviour

Asbos for dogs are being considered as part of a sweeping crackdown on dogs and their owners by one London borough.

Tower Hamlets council is considering introducing strict new rules on where pets can be walked and placing limits on the number of dogs any person can walk at any given time.

The proposed Asbo-style restrictions will also block animals from play parks and sports areas and require pets to be on the lead in all public spaces.

Tougher penalties for dog fouling are also being considered.

Asbos, or antisocial behaviour orders, typically give local authorities power to tackle anti-social behaviour in certain areas and are most commonly used to combat street drinking or the pubic use of laughing gas.

Tower Hamlets council is looking to enforce restrictions that relate to dogs across the entire borough and will become the first local authority to do so if the recommendations of a report come into force.

The town hall set up a taskforce last summer following a number of high-profile attacks, including in Victoria Park which the council manages.

The report stresses that the tough actions will be brought in to protect residents, stating:

“Following a spate of dog attack incidents involving out of control, dangerous and nuisance dogs and their owners officers were asked to explore options on how the council could tackle those dog owners who behave in an anti-social irresponsible way in our public spaces,” the report states.

“A task and finish group concluded that the introduction of a public spaces protection order for controlling dogs could be the appropriate tool to support council officers to limit the number of incidents of anti-social behaviour relating to dog control.

“A PSPO provides a legal power to the council to fine dog owners who do not adhere to the conditions of the PSPO. The introduction of a PSPO and the publicity and communications surrounding the introduction of it is expected to prompt good dog management.”

Tower Hamlets council added it will look at introducing fees and charges for licensing professional dog walkers, which could entitle them to walk more than the maximum number allowed under the PSPO order.

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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