
Alexey Navalny’s message to the world if ‘they decide to kill me’

Reminders of Alexey Navalny’s message to the world in the event that he is killed is getting shared widely across social media.

The UK has joined other western countries in condemning the Kremlin after Russia’s federal prison service said in a statement that the 47-year-old politician and anti-corruption campaigner had died.

According to the agency, he became unwell after a walk on Friday and lost consciousness.

An ambulance arrived but he died despite attempts to resuscitate him, it said.

Experts from King’s College London said Mr Navalny, who was one of the most outspoken critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin, symbolised hope and democratic change for many Russians.

“Political killing”

Dr Maxim Alyukov, research fellow at the university’s Russia Institute, described Mr Navalny’s death as a “political killing”.

He added: “It is likely that he has been killed ahead of the March election, to demotivate and crush any potential dissent.

“Given Putin’s recording of physically eliminating opponents, it would not be a surprise at all.

“Elections, even if tightly controlled, still can serve as focal points for discontent, and there have been alternative candidates successfully campaigning for registration demonstrating that there is a demand of peace and change of power.

“Given Navalny’s significance and the fact that many associated democratic change in Russia with him, his death will be a signal that will shock and demotivate many, demonstrating that resistance is futile.

“He has been consistently tortured and denied medical treatment.

“Navalny was active in communicating with the public from prison via his lawyers, and his statements were giving hope to many dissidents both inside and outside Russia.”

Message to the world

In a documentary aired on Netflix, Navalny discussed the possibility of being killed and shared an important message to the world in the event that it did happen.

“If they decide to kill me, it means that we are incredibly strong,”he said.

“We need to utilize this power to not give up, to remember we are a huge power that is being oppressed by these bad dudes.”

Watch the clip in full below:

Related: Footage of Navalny in prison the day before his death released

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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