
The latest local and national UK and International news.

23% of under-18s are turned away by mental health services

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor It has come to light that almost a quarter of children and young people who come to them for assistance are not given any help. The report by CentreForum a liberal thinktank indicate that 23 per cent of under-18s who are referred to them by GPs, teachers, concerned parents are refused help. Some services even deny support to those with an eating disorder unless their BMI is under a certain weight threshold. Their work has...

Howard Marks Obituary – A personal story

By John Locke - Northern Correspondent I'm very sad to hear of the passing of Howard Marks. I met Howard many times over the years and he was always a gentleman. He performed at The Laugh Inn, a comedy club I owned, for me on one of his tours. After the show finished, he, myself and another friend Hywel sat and drank and talked and smoked into the wee small hours and then in the morning ate breakfast and talked and laughed...

Cameron to be questioned over claims of new £72,000 secret shares

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor David Cameron will be making a statement to Parliament after his tax affairs revealed he may have sold off another huge amount of shares back in 2010. He will be questioned about a new stash of shares worth £72K according to the Mirror. Cameron has already admitted he sold off £31k worth of shares from his stake in his late father’s shady offshore fund. Currently Downing Street are staying tight lipped if there are other...

David Cameron “Effectively” Inherited £500k Without Paying A Penny In Tax

David Cameron "effectively" inherited half a million pounds without paying a penny in tax, it has been revealed. The PM received £200,000 from his mother after his father's death which will only become liable to inheritance tax of up to 40 per cent if she dies within seven years of handing over the money. The records show two £100,000 payments were made a year after Cameron inherited £300,000 from his father. Had he received the half a million pounds in one lump sum he would...

Lights go out on Solar power after government cuts

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The Government recently announced a 65 per cent cut to subsidies to household solar power instillations, but the reduction in new take-up makes poor reading for green campaigners. Household solar power installations in the previous two months have slumped by 75 per cent, which will reduce the clean energy hopes of many in the UK. The figures came from the energy regulator who indicated that there was 21 megawatts (MW) of small solar installed in...

VIDEO – Four times PM has condemned ‘immoral’ tax avoidance

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor This video below, courtesy of the Independent, shows four times the PM has took it upon himself to lay into "immoral" tax avoidance during various speeches. He really gives the impression he hates the terrible people who are involved in these schemes, but as we know now, he used to quite enjoy it. Watch Video Here 

PM to be reported to Parliamentary Standards over offshore trust

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor It has emerged that David Cameron will be reported to the Parliamentary Standards commissioner regarding the shares he held in his own late father’s trust, Blairmore. He will face a sleaze inquiry into why he failed to declare his slice of the offshore fund. John Mann, Labour MP said he will refer Cameron to the standards watchdog for keeping £30k of offshore shares a secret when he was in opposition, and was climbing up through...

Zari – Sesame Street’s new hijab-wearing muppet

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor The world famous Sesame Street has launched a new muppet character “Zari” a feminist from Afghanistan. Zari will teach kids about “girl empowerment, social and emotional wellbeing.” She will appear in season 5 of Baghch-e-Simsim, which is the Afghani version of Sesame Street. The children’s show Twitter account went wild when the news was released this week. Saad Mohseni, the President of the MOBY group, that airs various TV shows for children in Afghanistan said:...

Toy Dog Lost In Space By School Children

A nation-wide search has been launched after Sam the Space Dog was lost in space. Children from Morecambe Bay Community Primary school launched the dog into space attached to a helium balloon with a GPS tracker and a GoPro. But when the payload returned to earth, the dog was nowhere to be seen. Chris Rose, from, which creates educational space missions for schools and helped with the launch, told the Lancashire Evening News: “Our GPS tracking equipment and live telemetry...

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