
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Owning A House And Remaining Debt Free ‘Fantasies’ For British Youth

Owning a house and remaining debt free are seen as ‘fantasies’ for millions of young people, according to new research. Four in ten Brits aged 16-25 think that owning a house is completely unobtainable and living debt free, being able to cope without relying on parents for financial support and earning more than the average British salary of £26,500 are also seen as pipe dreams. A massive 42 per cent said they consider travelling the world to be unrealistic, while...

Russian Football Official Tells Hooligans To “Keep It Up”

Igor Lebedev, a member of the Russian Football Union, has sparked outrage after Tweeting words of encouragement to hooligans in France. The leading football official and member of parliament claimed that the assault on English fans in the lead up to Saturday’s Group B encounter was vindicated, blaming local authorities for failing to prevent such outbreaks of violence. Writing in a series of posts on Twitter, Lebedev said: “I don’t see anything wrong with the fans fighting. Quite the opposite,...

Sadiq Khan Bans Body Shaming Ads From The Tube

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has banned body shaming adverts on the Tube. He announced Transport for London would no longer run ads which could cause body confidence issues, particularly among young people, saying the ads could “demean” women and encourage them to conform to unrealistic or unhealthy body shapes. Protein World's "Are You Beach Body Ready" campaign stirred debate when they were erected across the London Underground network last year, but Boris Johnson failed to act on the harmful marketing...

US Media Turns On National Rifle Association

The US media has turned on the National Rifle Association following the deadliest mass shooting in the United States in Orlando. New York Daily News led with the headline "Thanks NRA" as the national media lay blame at NRA's door. The leading publication points out that the AR-15-type rifle is the same style of weapon used to slaughter 20 children and six adults in Newtown in 2012 and murder 12 people and wound 70 in a cinema in Aurora. A...

‘Rape Victim’ Guilty of Adultery in Qatar

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor In a court decision that will trouble many, a Dutch tourist in Qatar claimed she had been raped while on holiday in the Middle Eastern state. The alleged attacker believed the sex was consensual and the 22-year-old woman requested money after the sexual encounter. The Dutch lady was not in court for the hearing in Doha, but was given a one-year suspended sentenced and a fine of around £500. Reaching this verdict will worry many...

Watch: Obama On Gun Laws A Week Before Orlando Shootings

A video of Barack Obama speaking on the perverse nature of US gun laws has emerged in the wake of the Orlando shootings. The US president talks about a meeting he came from in the Situation Room where known extremists in the US have been on ISIL websites. He points out how absurd it is that he can put these people on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association he cannot prohibit...

Watch: Owen Jones Walks Out Of Sky News Interview On LGBT Hate Crime

Owen Jones has walked out of a Sky News interview after a heated discussion over the LGBT hate crimes in Orlando. The outspoken Jones was disgusted after presenter Mark Longhurst told him people should "delineate" between Islamist terror and homophobia after the attack which killed 50 at gay Florida nightclub Pulse. Jones has gained a lot of support for his actions on social media, with most people saying they would have done the same thing. Matt Lucas praised the young...

John Mann and Dennis Skinner back Brexit

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Two of the most outspoken MPs in the Commons have broke ranks with the party line and are backing Brexit. They become the ninth and tenth Labour Members of Parliament who are going to vote out on June 23. It is feared that working class traditional Labour voters might vote Out and swing the balance of the referendum, and with these figures backing Brexit, it could encourage core Labour voters to do the same. However,...

Brexit would exclude UK from single market, says German Minister

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor As the EU referendum gets ever closer, everyone possible is chipping in with their opinion on what would happen after the votes are counted later this month. Now German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble said that a Brexit vote would one and for all mean 'Out is Out' for access to the EU single market. He has ruled out any chance Britain would have to use the European single market for trading, which is exactly the opposite...

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