
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Gove’s own father denies company failed due to EU

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor When your own dad denies your claims you know you are in trouble, and Brexiteer Michael Gove has just been caught in that net. The Guardian have reported that Gove’s own dad has denied claims his son came out with about his business interest in the fishing industry. It will be embarrassing for Michael Gove, who has made the claim on more than one occasion. Gove had said that his firm in Aberdeen which operated...

PMQs 15th June – Farage barges into EU debate leaving PM bobbing around

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor This was the last PMQs before the referendum, what will the world be like on June 24th regardless of the result? Will there be pitched battles on the Thames, with rivals crashing their warships into each other? Nope, they were doing that outside of Parliament today just as PMQs kicked off. Farage’s barge of swashbuckling Brexiteers were floating their flotilla down the Thames. In retaliation Bob Geldof’s Remain rafts hired a huge vessel and various...

VIDEO – Bob Geldof Vs Nigel Farage in battle of the Thames

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Yes this isn't a "satire" article, this is happening right now on then Thames, the Brexit campaign sent a flotilla down the Thames and in retaliation Bob Geldof hired a huge barge and a small fleet of little "remain" boats to slip in and out of the Brexit boats. The motley crews floated past Parliament as PMQs kicked off in the Commons. Bob Geldof pulled up alongside HMS Farage and shouts, "FARAGE, YOU'RE A FRAUD!...

Home Office won’t reveal Yarl’s Wood rapes as it’s bad for business

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor In shocking news the Home Office have refused to release the number of women who have been raped or sexually assaulted inside Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre. According to The Independent the information won’t be shared with the public as it harms the “commercial interests” of the private organisations that run the controversial detention centre. It raises the question again of private contractors given highly sensitive roles looking after some of the most vulnerable people...

In or Out? Reviewing the Evening Standard EU Debate

IN: Chuka Umunna (Labour MP for Streatham) Carolyn Fairburn (Director-General of the CBI) Rohan Silva (Tech entrepreneur) OUT: Daniel Hannan (Conservative MEP) Munira Mirza (Former Deputy Mayor for Health and Education) Jenny Jones (Green Party peer) On 7th June, the Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington staged a debate held by the Evening Standard and London First asking the big question for Londoners ahead of the 23rd June referendum- Is London better off In or Out of the European Union?...

Facebook Will Be ‘All Video In Five Years’

Facebook will be ‘all video in five years says EMEA Vice President according to the social network's European vice president Nicola Mendelsohn. Talking today at the fifth annual Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit, in London, Mendelsohn said people are writing less and posting more videos and images. She said: “In five years’ time it will definitely be mobile, it will probably be all video and it will certainly be more immersive – 360 will feel very common.” There has...

Leave Takes a Big Lead Ahead Of EU Referendum

The Leave campaign has taken a big lead in the polls ahead of the EU referendum on 23rd June. Guardian/ICM polls report a six-point lead, with Leave now enjoying a 53 per cent - 47 per cent advantage once “don’t knows” are excluded. According to Prof John Curtice of Strathclyde University, the running average “poll of polls” would stand at 52 per cent for leave and 48 per cent for remain, the first time leave has been in such a...

Hilary Benn says Brexit won’t reduce immigration

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Hilary Benn has come out strongly in favour of a vote to Remain part of the European project. He said voter will be disappointed if they choose to Brexit in the belief it will reduce immigration. Benn said leaving the EU wouldn’t stop high levels of immigration because huge numbers of foreign workers are needed to care for our ageing population and to work in the NHS. He said: "Nigel Farage’s contradictory promises, simply don’t...

France deport coach-load of Russian “ultras” heading to Lille

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor After failing to arrest any Russian yobs in Marseille, the French authorities have finally acted and are going to deport a coach-load of Russian fans who were heading to Lille ahead of their next group game against Slovakia. It is feared that there will be more violence as Welsh, English, Slovakian and Russian fans will all be in close proximity to each other later this week. The French have finally admitted that one hundred and...

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