
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Ed Miliband Defies Successor By Backing Owen Smith

Ed Miliband has defied his successor Jeremy Corbyn by backing Owen Smith in the Labour leadership campaign. The former Labour leader joins a number of MPs looking to oust Corbyn as leader, although his efforts to do so may be as futile as his efforts in the last general election after new Labour members were given a vote in the leadership contest. Miliband says his choice to back Smith is based on what the country needs in this "extraordinary time...

#PrayforPakistan at least 70 killed by ISIS in Quetta hospital

The outcry for this latest ISIS attack has sadly not reverberated around the world as more recent atrocities in mainland Europe. A hastag doesn’t bring back any of the dead, but shows some solidarity with the innocent people who were murdered in cold blood by an IS suicide attack on a hospital in Quetta. The attack left at least 70 dead and over one hundred wounded, the death toll is likely to rise. The suicide bomber attacked on Monday and...

Brexit hits South East and capital’s economy the most

New data has come to light that indicates that businesses in the South East and London have suffered the most since the decision to leave the European Union. Companies in the region have had a negative impact on the service and manufacturing sectors. Output has contracted for the first time in almost four years as the uncertainty of what will happen in a post-Brexit UK has decreased demand. It appears business are very cautious about investing when they have no...

Over a third of UK families are one pay day away from becoming homeless

Families up and down the country are living on a knife edge, missing one pay day would mean they would not be able to pay to remain in their dwellings. Leaving millions of the brink of homelessness. A missing payment would mean that a shocking 37 per cent of working families would not be able to remain in their homes, unless they manage to borrow or find finance from elsewhere. The study shows that families simply do not have enough...

All new members can now vote in race between Jeremy Corbyn & Owen Smith

There has been a victory for all new members of the Labour Party. The High Court has now ruled that the 130,000 new members who signed up to join the party can register their choice of who will lead the party. It is assumed that this will benefit Corbyn over Smith, although this can’t be certain, it is highly likely. They are 540,000 members in the Labour Party. A group of five members were represented in court to by lawyers...

Greens join Lib & Lab against May’s grammar school plans

The Green Party has joined Labour and the Liberals to fight the government’s new plans to re-introduce the grammar school system in the UK. New PM May is assumed to be hoping to scrap the ban on establishing new grammar schools in England; she hopes it will actually help to increase social mobility. However, many other think it will actually create an even more unfair education system. At the moment there are around 163 grammar schools in England and around...

FTSE bosses income rises 10% to £5.5m on average per annum

City bosses have seen another huge yearly income rise, which will further anger the general population who are struggling by on stagnant wages. The news also comes as a recent study found that increased pay for businesses bosses does not necessarily improve the companies performance. This recent study, by the High Pay Centre, has revealed that chief execs of FTSE 100 firms saw their average income increase by ten per cent in 2015. Shockingly, median pay rose to almost four...

Should UBER Drivers Be Required to Pass ‘The Knowledge’?

Three-hundred and twenty routes, 25,000 streets and 20,000 landmarks; that's what you have to master to become a Green badge holder. The Knowledge is a test that is as synonymous to London taxi drivers as the black cabs they drive. Regarded as one of the hardest taxi driver test to pass in the World it has been described as like having an atlas of London implanted into your brain, taking months to pass and years to master.  But the traditional test, which was established in 1865...

Trump is America’s Brexit

Obama recently delivered one of the biggest speeches of his life, and one of the most damning criticisms of Donald Trump to date. After eight years of being heckled by "The Donald" and his fellow conspiracy theorists, this one was personal. Around 45 minutes he spelt it out with these bold words: "That's why anyone who threatens our values, whether Fascists or Communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end." This powerful sentence puts Trump shoulder to shoulder with Mussolini, Stalin,...

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