
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Media attacks Corbyn as it fears a left-wing Labour victory, claims Union Leader

The leader of the Unite union, Len McCluskey, said that the mainstream media is highly critical of Jeremy Corbyn, as they fear he could lead Labour to victory in the 2020 general election. His comments came as he made a speech during the Labour party conference. He also had a stark warning for Labour supporters who were not fully behind Corbyn’s leadership, saying: “If you have no stomach for this fight depart from the battlefield.” In a separate speech at...

Fracking ban if Labour win election & will aim for nuclear disarmament

Now Jeremy Corbyn has retained his position as leader of the Labour party, it appears it is time to actually launch some polices. The party has, and some would stay still is, at war with itself, but Corbyn has asked for the party to unite to battle the Tories and build towards a Labour win in 2020. So during their party conference they have decided to back “clean technologies of the future,” and reject fracking, the controversial extraction process, that...

US Elections: How Results Will Affect The Forex Market

The outcome of the 2016 US elections could significantly affect the forex market. With Clinton and Trump currently leading the survey, it’s essential to examine what will happen when one is elected over the other. Businessmen and traders are used to treating the election year as a time of uncertainty. This is especially true for countries under democratic or parliamentary governance, such as the US. Issues facing the nation’s economy often make their way in the presidential discussions. If you...

Brexit Means Out of the Single Market

Britain's exit from the European Union means an exit from the single market, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has today re-emphasised. The outspoken politician tweeted a video where he says Britain has voted to take control back of our "laws, our borders, our fisheries, and crucially, we voted to leave the single market". Many 'out' voters have been confident that Britain would be able to renegotiate inclusion in the single market if we voted to leave. However, like promises on the...

Do you have a new Fiver? Then join others & donate it to charity

The release of the new plastic five-pound notes has inspired people to donate the hi-tech currency to charity. A social media campaign has been set up to ask people to give their brand new polymer fivers to good causes. The notes are machine washable and likely to last a lot longer than the traditional paper notes. The note features a picture of war time leader Winston Churchill. Fundraiser John Thompson was the bright spark behind the initiative to part with...

Watch – Joss Whedon’s ‘sh*t ton of famous people’ star in anti-Trump video

As the Presidential race is coming to the end, writer and Joss Whedon has got as many A-list stars as possible to try and save the day, and keep Donald Trump out of the White House. Whedon, had been off social media for almost two years, then he sprang back on-line with “Save the Day,” a star studded anti-Trump video. Hey! Did I miss anything? Lol jk the world is on fire ? here's a thing I made —...

Home education in capital increased by 582% over the last decade

Would you chose, or indeed have the time, to educate your children at home? It appears that an increasing number of households in the capital are opting for this educational approach. A study has discovered that the growth in home education across London show a massive 582% increase in the amount of children learning from the comfort of their own home. The data was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act, by Oxford Home Schooling, part of Oxford Open Learning...

More Brexit blues: OECD halves UK growth forecast

Another day, another Brexit horror story, this time the OECD (The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) has cut the UK’s growth target in half, by a whole percentage point. These forecasts have been reduced due to the impact of Brexit and a wider weakness in the broader global outlook. The report states: “While markets have since stabilised, sterling has depreciated by around 10% in trade-weighted terms since the referendum. For 2016, GDP growth has been supported by a strong performance...

Is this a good way to spend YOUR money? BBC journos paid 40% more than commercial sector

Perhaps it is just personal jealousy on my behalf, but the pay levels at the BBC appear to be much higher than the rest of the industry. Having never worked at the Beeb, I can only dream of the bumper pay packets they receive compared to their commercial rivals. The leaked report by PwC has confirmed the disparity between the state funded broadcaster and the rest of the news market. The document indicates that BBC staff are paid up to...

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