
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Star-damn! There are 2 trillion galaxies in Universe – ten times more than thought

There has been some unbelievable news from a group of scientists from the University of Nottingham, who has said there are ten times more galaxies than humans previously thought. The project has been dubbed an "intergalactic archaeological dig." Back in the 90s, using the Hubble images, scientists believed there were 100-200 billion galaxies, a huge number, but way off the mark. The Nottingham team, overseen by Christopher Conselice, concedes this was a huge underestimation and used 3-D modelling of the...

Could your finances survive “One Unfortunate Week”?

It’s estimated that 4 in 10 adults in the UK have less than £500 in their savings account and around 28% of adults have nothing saved for a rainy day! That’s why PayPlan has created an interactive journey entitled “One Unfortunate Week” designed to raise awareness of the importance of a savings buffer. The piece puts you in the shoes of the average Brit, five days before payday and subjected to some of the worst luck you have ever seen,...

Watch – SNP announce plans for a second independence referendum

The SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, has told her party’s conference that a bill for a new referendum is due to be published. The previous referendum ended in defeat for the SNP with 55 per cent of voters opting to remain part of Britain. However, a wave of nationalism spread through the country after the vote, virtually wiping out Labour north of the border in the last general election. She said: “So, I can confirm today that the Independence Referendum Bill...

Frack off! Brits turn their backs on controversial shale gas extraction

The Government has just overturned a council decision and will allow fracking in Lancashire, regardless of the concerns of the public, and local officials who are against the controversial process. The decision has led to some people saying it signals an attack on local democracy by central government. There are also plans for another site in Doncaster with the decision expected next month. Now a YouGov poll has indicated that support for the energy extraction process is at only 37.3%,...

Oops! School sends text with c-word in to hundreds of parents

Most of us have done it, but only to friends or family members, but one school managed to accidentally send the c-word to hundreds of parents. St Dunstan's School has since apologise for making the slip-up in a message asking mums and dads to fill in a form.The text was also written in next speech, that might not have impressed the parents either. However, instead of requesting students' 'country' of birth, they failed to type the 'O' and 'R', giving...

Online scams leads to £400 million increase in fraud during first half of 2016

The digital world is not a safe place and a huge increase in scams and online attacks, show that financial fraud in the first half of 2016 increased 25 per cent to £399.5 million. The figures were released by Financial Fraud Action (FFA UK) today and the sums of money that are being swindled on a daily basis, on-line, are astonishing. However, the amount of money that is actually attempted to be stolen is much larger. On-line security systems at...

PMQs 12TH October – Brexit is the answer…but that’s not one of the 170 questions

“The long march to freedom” has begun, the only problem is the Prime Minster doesn’t know the way or if the Promised Land is a toxic landfill site, or a nirvana where unchained UK citizens are served by carefully selected foreign people. As you can imagine most of the new, and old, opposition leader’s questions were on Brexit and Theresa May’s plans for it. Only this morning 170 questions from the Labour party over Brexit landed on her desk. A...

Whistleblowing NHS manager on third day of hunger strike is facing the sack

A nurse who raised serious concerns about patient and staff safety is about to be sacked and is now staging a hunger strike outside the Department of Health. Jade Taylor, 46, has also been sleeping outside the government office, decided she had to speak out after her own parents were allegedly mistreated at Mid Staffordshire NHS foundation trust. She was so angry about the poor treatment she bravely spoke out but feels she became a target by senior staff, and...

Labour has asked the Govt 170 questions on Brexit – how many can they answer?

Labour has finally got its mojo back, well a tiny bit, and have asked the government 170 questions on Brexit, one for each day before Theresa May has declared she will invoke Article 50 and begin the withdrawal from the EU. Emily Thornberry, Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and Keir Starmer, Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union wrote an open latter to David Davis, Brexit Secretary. If he could answer one question each day, like an xmas advent...

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