
The latest local and national UK and International news.

Metal band’s offensive T-shirt aimed at PM May

Death metal band, Burning The Dream, have made some t-shirts, that some will find offensive and others might feel are bang on the money. The t-shirt features the slogan “F*** the poor, f*** the disabled, f*** refugees, f*** gays” with Prime Minister Theresa May’s signature at the bottom. And the controversial garment also has “Burn 10 Downing Street” emblazoned on the back, which they say is not an incitement to actually commit arson, but a political statement. Frontman Paul Kelly,...

The Eurozone economy is heating up – And Brits are getting worried

The Eurozone economy is expanding at the fastest pace since 2011 on the back of German manufacturing, showing clear signs that it is recovering from the sovereign debt crisis that swept through the region. According to the composite purchasing managers' index compiled by IHS Markit the expansion of industry reached an almost six-year high with German manufacturers reporting expansion at an astonishing 69-month high with the sector’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) rising to 57 points. Quelle surprise, according to another related study the...

Essex is the filthiest place in the UK

If you have driven anywhere around Britain during the winter you may have noticed the sickening volumes of rubbish strewn along our roads. Ask any visiting tourist who has taken the time to drive outside of the normal British tourist traps and they’ll tell you that our country is filthy. In fact, it should embarrass you to know that many of our European neighbours regard us as a filthy nation. Whilst London and the majority of city centres benefit from regular...

Police uncover weed plantation in mansion yards from Buckingham Palace

Police uncovered a massive haul of cannabis being grown in a £15 million mansion just yards from Buckingham Palace. The drugs factory growing "£500,000 of weed" was raided by police inside the mansion on one of Britain's most expensive streets in posh Belgravia, central London. Around 30 bags of suspected drugs were seized from the five storey vacant property at around 7.30am on Friday morning, in Grosvenor Gardens. One cheeky squatter - part of a group that have taken over...

The death of local business: How the Conservatives killed our community stars

As if Britain's local shops weren't beleaguered enough already with giant corporations showing up on every corner and the majority of people preferring to use online retailers than spend their money with small businesses, the government is about to deliver what could be the sucker punch for small shops when business rates are increased in April. That's right. As Amazon's business rates are cut at most of its warehouses our high street stores are been forced to pay more. The American internet giant,...

Will holidays to America become harder after Trump?

With the first travel-industry tycoon now living in The White House, things are set to change with Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States. While tourism has not been spoken about specifically, there is a lot of speculation regarding a number of different aspects. With the possibility of reversing recent peace with Cuba, Muslims being barred and the wall between America and Mexico, there is plenty of interesting things to consider. Trump is also looking to rebuild...

Rise of deadly super bugs in hospitals linked to Tory austerity cuts

An ‘appalling’ rise in deadly super bugs E.coli and MRSA is linked to the Conservatives cutting and outsourcing cleaning contracts, according to GMB. Three thousand cleaners have been slashed from the NHS wage bill since 2011/12, new figures reveal - despite hospitals treating more than a million more patients every year since then. Meanwhile in the past year cases of E.coli, MRSA and MSSA – a strain of the MRSA bacteria – have rocketed by more than 8,000. Between 2004...

Mexico wall has already been breached more than 9,200 times

The 654 miles of fence already lining the border between the US and Mexico have already been breached more than 9,200 times between roughly 2010 and 2015, according to a report released  by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) citing records from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). As plans to develop a full-border wall between the two countries are developed, new figures show that even when in place the costly development may not even be that effective. Donald Trump's...

Sickening! Austerity killing 30,000 people a year

After years of Tory rule and harsh austerity measures the UK is on its knees. The Red Cross called the NHS was facing a “humanitarian crisis,” and waiting times are now at the highest levels recorded. Drastic cuts to the social care fund has left local authorities barely able to provide basic care to elderly people in the UK. Instead of being treated at home, elderly and frail people are clogging up hospitals A & E departments for relatively minor...

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