A woman whose head was repeatedly stamped on and smashed into railings by a random stranger is demanding “justice” for the unprovoked attack.
Lawyer Natalie Moult, 37, was returning from a night out with friends in the early hours of Sunday morning when she was brutally beaten in the street.
She suffered severe bruising to her right eye and both cheeks, swelling to her head and hand, cuts inside her mouth, a chipped tooth and missing hair in the attack.
Natalie has released pictures of her swollen and bloodied face in a bid to help find her attacker.

She and a friend had caught a taxi to another friend’s home in Stamford, Lincs., after going for drinks in town.
They were waiting for the others to arrive, when they were approached by a woman at around 2.30am.
Natalie said: “The few steps to the front door have a railing and I was next to the railing on the step.
“The attacker came towards me shouting abuse. I don’t remember the words exactly, as I was shocked at the situation.
“Before I could get up or move she had put her hands through the railings and grabbed my hair.
“Pulling my hair she smashed my head into the railings repeatedly.
“As my face hit the railing I twisted to the floor and she stamped on my head. I held my hand up to protect my eyes and she then stamped on my hand.”
Natalie described the attacker, who she did not recognise, as having a Liverpudlian or northern accent, brown hair and a fringe.
Her friend stepped in to try and protect her but was also attacked by the woman.

She said: “My friend is traumatised and too frightened to go out in public.”
Natalie described her friend as having bruising to her face, body and clumps of hair missing from her head.
She eventually managed to wiggle towards the front door, screaming out for help, at which point three neighbours came to the pair’s aid.
Natalie said: “Police and an ambulance arrived. We were at the hospital nearly six hours.”
She said she had suffered swelling and bruising to her right eye and cheeks, bruising and swelling of her head and hand, cuts inside her mouth, a chipped tooth and missing hair, among other injuries.
She added: “I’m feeling overwhelmed and so upset at this experience. I’m also in a lot of pain.
“I just want justice for the ferocity and brutal nature of the attack. I want the attacker caught so no one else is exposed to her brutality.
“Right now I’m very upset – I can’t stop crying and feel so emotional thinking of what this person did to me.”
Lincolnshire Police has been contacted for comment.