Weird News

Speeding drivers slowing down due to scarecrows…including a mooning policeman

Scare tactics were being used on speeding drivers in a quaint village – by effigies of Donald Trump waiting at a bus stop and a mooning policeman.

Rather than lobbying the local authority with demands for speed cameras to be installed, villagers took an innovative DIY approach to the problem.

Somerton Villagers have filled their streets with scarecrows in an effort to stop people speeding through.

Homemade scarecrows have popped up along the edge of the road in Somerton, Oxon, in a bid to ‘scare’ drivers into keeping an eye on their speed.

Roald Dahl’s famous character the BFG can be seen alongside babies on horseback and a commuter on skis, in the speed-themed displays.

More than 20 imaginative figures have popped up in the village, including babies riding on horseback, in a bid to come up with a cheaper way to address the issue.

Chairman of Somerton Parish Council, Alison Smith, said the scarecrow competition, themed around speed awareness, had brought the community closer together.

She said: “We wanted to embrace it and look at different ways to help stop speeding, things such as road markings and speed bumps obviously cost the county money.

Somerton Villagers have filled their streets with scarecrows in an effort to stop people speeding through. The group is pictured with the sign outside the chip shop.

“So it is a great way to start to see what we can do without spending any money.

“We are looking at alternative ways to increase awareness to drivers passing through our village and surrounding roads and at the same time have a little fun.

“It is hoped that the scarecrows will cause a little ‘edge friction’ and encourage a slower speed through the village.

Somerton Villagers have filled their streets with scarecrows in an effort to stop people speeding through.

“Over recent years, we have seen the volume of traffic increase and, with that, more speeding vehicles.

“The M40, Soho Farmhouse and Dorchester Living development at Upper Heyford have all contributed to the increases.”

Somerton Villagers have filled their streets with scarecrows in an effort to stop people speeding through.

Alison added: “I am just really thrilled with it, it has been a community effort.

“With all these things people are very busy and yet we have had more than 20 scarecrows for our first attempt asking people to join in.”

The winner will receive a free meal of fish and chips, from a local business.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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