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Robber bound middle-aged woman’s hands together – before stabbing her

A robber in a high-vis jacket stormed a betting shop and bound a middle-aged woman’s hands together – before stabbing her.

The man barged past the victim while she opened the shop and struck her in the face as he subjected her to a 45-minute ordeal.

He tied the 57-year-old’s hands with electrical wire, abused her, and demanded she open the safe – but it was fitted with a delay system.

Flying Squad cops said the thief stole £400 from the betting shop in Brentford, west London after the attack on January 16.

CCTV images showed the robber strolling through the betting shop with his hood up, before a camera captured his face.

A photo released by the victim shows three stab wounds to her arm, after the attack that left her ‘mentally scarred’.

The suspect was described as a mixed-race man with dark eyes and stubble, wearing a black beanie, a hoodie and an orange hi-vis jacket.

A Scotland Yard spokesperson said: “At 7am on Wednesday, January 16, the 57-year-old victim was opening the store on Ealing Road in Brentford.

“The suspect bound her hands using electrical wire, struck her across the face, and demanded that she open the safe – which she could not, due to a timelock.

“He remained with the victim for 45 minutes until the safe opened and continued to abuse her. He also stabbed her several times in her right arm.

“When the safe unlocked the suspect made off with approximately £400. He was last seen running in towards Brook Road South.”

Detective Constable Kevin Parley said: “We want to hear from anyone who knows or recognises this man as soon as possible.

“The victim was subjected to a traumatic ordeal which have, unsurprisingly, left her physically and mentally scarred.

“We need to speak to this man and take him off the streets so that he does not hurt anyone else.”

By Daniel Hammond


This content was supplied for The London Economic Newspaper by SWNS news agency.

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