"I could never be a bystander watching someone beaten up for no reason - and I'd do it the same again despite my injuries."
"Pretty sure Jesus has not returned cause these snake oil salesmen have taken the good book and turned it into a multi million dollar pyramid scheme, of which they brag about it."
Lily said: "It was really funny. The people behind me saw him delivering it and the mood changed."
"It is vital they are given space. Disturbance can lead to abandonment and death.”
"What the f*ck is this country actually about?" Said one very angry person.
Remi, who spent part of her childhood in Kenya, has overcome hardship of her own as a former victim of domestic abuse after being hounded by her former boyfriend.
"The whole thing was very bizarre."
"I had to ask them to clean it, we covered it, hours later still no sign so we washed it."
'Was there an element of it being in the police’s interests for her death to be self-inflicted, rather than the result of the abuse the police had failed to address when she was alive?"
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