He said two of the children thought they were “going to die” from the cold while their sobbing mum and speechless dad looked on helplessly.
From saving lives to breaking new ground, these young people all made their mark in 2021.
“One of the requests we got through this year was a seven-year-old girl who really wanted a rainbow duvet cover, so we took some of the funds and made that happen."
These stories can't help but put a smile on your face!
Vivien Waterfield, deputy CEO of Home-Start UK, said: “For some families, Christmas can be an especially difficult time of year."
The monkeys, described as ‘intelligent, social, and lots of fun’, ripped into their gifts at the zoo’s Living Links centre.
“It has put a huge smile on his face.'
They have branded the housing association bosses “worse than Scrooge”
''Ah, she looks like she’s feeling a bit deflated'', said one person on Twitter.
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