Must Reads

Lovely! Penguins pop Into OAPs Care Home

Elderly residents at a care home were pppperked up – with a visit from PENGUINS. Humboldt penguins Pringle and Charlie met OAPs at Trevone House in Gloucester. Activities Co-ordinator Rebecca Allott, 22, who wanted to do something different for the residents, said: “‘We are resident led in what we do here and they said that this is something they would like to do and see. ”So we approached the Amazing Animals Company and they gave us a great deal. “We...

Watch – Autistic boy sings for first time having never spoken before

This is the remarkable moment a nine-year-old boy who had never spoken before sang for the first time during a school play was caught in an emotional video, which will bring joy your heart and will leave you feeling warm inside. Musab Mohamoud was classed as non-verbal  and had to rely on the sign language Makaton to communicate with others. This was a major breakthrough for the young lad. Wonderfully, the youngster managed to form the words of a song to...

Cat who moved into Wilko store now has Facebook page due to popularity

A cat that has taken up residence in a Wilkos store has become so popular it now has its own Facebook page. George the tabby cat is living in the Wilko store in the Kings Chase Shopping Store in Kingswood, Brsitol. And the cat, who visits the store every day, has become so popular with the customers he has now has a following on social media. Customers have been sharing pictures of George hidden around the store on a new...

Pair of homeless men forced to camp in a graveyard

A pair of homeless men have set up camp in a graveyard to escape the abuse they receive on the streets - which they describe as "the jungle". Chris Stanford and Jonathon Martin said they have had things thrown at them, been spat at - and mean-spirited locals have even tried to wee on them. Each day Chris, who uses crutches, helps Jon, who is paraplegic, into his wheelchair and the pair head to the high street in Chatham, Kent,...

Shocking: Huntsman whips protester across the head with a riding crop

This is the shocking moment a huntsman allegedly appears to WHIP a female saboteur across the head - with a riding crop. Body-camera footage from the West Midlands Hunt Sabateurs reveals a clash with the Atherstone Hunt on a footpath. The protesters claim the horsemen were backing into the sabs before one rider shouts: "It's dangerous here. Come on, be fair." Then a loud thump is heard followed by a scream before the riding man is caught on camera with...

Daily Mail branded “fake news” by Wikipedia

The Daily Mail has been tarred with the same brush used to purge fake news sites from online dictionary Wikipedia. Editors voted to ban the Daily Mail as a source after deeming the news group “generally unreliable”. The move is thought to break new ground for the encyclopedia which rarely puts a blanket ban on publications beside those peddling untruths or provocative material. According to the Guardian the editors described the arguments for a ban as “centred on the Daily Mail’s reputation for...

‘Stigmata’ Teen Who Cries BLOOD Baffles Doctors

A teenager has baffled doctors with a mysterious condition that causes him to cry tears of BLOOD. Akhilesh Raghuvanshi, 13, started bleeding from his nose three years ago and his parents initially dismissed it as “dehydration”. But soon he was bleeding from his eyes, ears and mouth almost every day – even seemingly losing blood through his skin without being cut or scratched. He is currently under the observation of top doctors in India in a bid to diagnose his...

Police Remove Pet Ducks From Homeless Man Who Rescued And Raised Them As His Own

A homeless man who rescued some DUCKS and raised them as his own has been left devastated – after they were removed from his care. Russ O’Conner says he saved the animals and raised them on the street. He kept them in a cardboard box but the conditions of the two ducklings fell foul of the authorities and police have now taken them away. The RSPCA said it took action following a number of calls from concerned members of the...

Cambridge student caught setting fire to £20 note in front of a freezing homeless person

A posh toff at one of the world's top universities set fire to a £20 note - in front of a freezing homeless person. A shocked passer-by watched while a drunk University of Cambridge student in a white bow tie and tails attempted to burn the banknote in front of the vagrant. Video of the incident was seen by hundreds of students after it was shared on Snapchat. In the video the student struggles to light the note, while the...

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