Two bank workers were caught illegally using blue badges to park in spaces reserved for the disabled during a crackdown. They were among eight motorists taken to court and fined in south London after being caught misusing the permits which actually belonged to friends or relatives. The permits can only be used legally if the disabled person is either driving the vehicle or a passenger being dropped-off or picked-up in that location. But the fraudsters were caught parking their own...
A timewaster dialled 999 to report that he had DANDRUFF while another caller wanted an ambulance for his sick CAT. One man called emergency crews for assistance after he was bitten by a hamster and needed a plaster and a woman asked for help with her shopping. Shockingly, another person called 999 requesting a lift home after he got kicked out a nightclub and didn't have any money for a taxi. Bosses at East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) have revealed...
This is the incredible moment two friends on a walk in the woods found a man near to death - trapped down a HOLE. Izaak Eglington-Watts, 19, and best pal Emily Thompson, 18, were exploring a forest when they heard a noise from inside a dark chamber. They began shouting hello and at first thought the replies they got were an ECHO - but then realised someone was down there. Incredibly local man James Thompson, 51, was trapped down the...
When she was 12, Erika Bohling, was told she would never walk again. Now she's aiming to run a half marathon. Now aged 20, Erika has had to teach herself to walk again, even to write and hold a pen. She's overcome excruciating pain and paralysis of both her arms and legs, and is now training to run 13 miles. She says: "When I was 12 years old I lost the use of both my arms and legs due to...
Risk-averse Brits are increasingly playing if safe, with nine out of ten admitting to living within their comfort zones. According to new research seven in ten say they typically try to avoid change or trying new things, preferring the tried and tested. Reasons for people staying put include worrying about what will happen after trying something different, with one in five admitting they’re not very adventurous. How depressing. Nearly a third of Brits will avoid changing their hairstyle to stay within...
A Leigh driving instructor has been fired after a video emerged of him shouting abuse at two children on horseback. Craig Allred, who joined the AA Driving School three years ago and has been a qualified instructor for a decade, was caught on camera in a confrontation with 12-year-old Callum Mullock about riding a horse on public roads. The argument broke out on Friday afternoon, while the two schoolchildren were riding their ponies around the roads of Martland Mill. During...
This baaaaa-rmy footage shows a parade of 200 ewes trotting from the top of a tiny village to lamb in a field below in a 90-year-old tradition that marks the start of spring. The pregnant sheep on Hodgson's farm in Askrigg in the Yorkshire Dales make the two mile journey downhill over five days every year to move to a safe sheltered field to give birth to their lambs. The journey through the steep village, which has a population of...
A TV advert featuring Lady Penelope's famous car may have driven over a bridge breaking strict weight restrictions. Eagle-eyed residents spotted that the pink Thunderbirds replica motor, which normally tackles super villains, breached the ban on vehicles over three tonnes going over the Grade-I listed Marlow Bridge. The Halifax advert shows Lady Penelope's chauffeur, Parker, driving her across the small but iconic bridge, near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, as she berates him for not "tidying the mansion" and "getting her...
In a nerve-wracking video, the confused OAP is seen driving a red Citroen Berlingo on a roundabout close to the M5 against oncoming traffic. The pensioner, believed to be aged between 80 and 90 years old, was driving near Junction 23, where the road meets the A39 at Bridgwater, Somerset. Tragedy was narrowly avoided by a quick-thinking teenager, who put his own life at risk to stop the geriatric, who ignored beeping horns trying to get his attention. Stephen Howe,18,... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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