This heartbreaking video shows the moment a baby son of a hit and run victim hears his dad's voice - while he fights for life in hospital. Three month-old Noah is fussing on the sofa and about to break into tears before the recording of Jason Bunce is played to him. Jason, 25, is in a coma and police are still hunting the callous driver who left him for dead at the roadside. Little Noah's mood suddenly calms when he...
A council has been ordered to rescue a homeless family-of-five after leaving them "trapped" living in a hotel for THREE YEARS - at a staggering cost of £88,000. The Burns moved into a hotel when they were turfed out their flood damaged private rental flat in 2014 and thought they would be there for a week. But two authorities spent months arguing over who should look after them before they were declared "intentionally homeless" - putting an end to any...
Just before 'Star Wars Day' a film-buff photographer snapped this awesome double sunset - that looks just like a scene from the epic franchise. Kevin Lewis, , spotted the amazing sight which is almost identical to an iconic shot from the first filmed movie in the series 'A New Hope'. Legendary hero Luke Skywalker looks out from his home on the planet of Tatooine to gaze at two suns - dreaming of adventure and joining the space rebellion. At that...
A hospice is giving terminally ill patients the chance to experience the world through virtual reality - just like an episode of hit TV series Black Mirror. Dying patients can enter a virtual world where they can walk on a beach or through woods by wearing a set of high-tech goggles. The exciting opportunity is being offered to terminally ill patients who may be prevented from travelling due to their illness and want to be able to see places they...
This is the bizarre moment a Mission Impossible-style raider was caught on CCTV crawling across the floor of a village pub during a late night burglary. The crook was seen wriggling between bar stools and tables to avoid triggering the alarm system in the third break-in at the pub in 18 months. The latest raid took place at Smithy’s Marina Bar in Shardlow, Derbys., just before 3am on Wednesday (26/4). The thief used tools to force open the door and...
Millions of pensioners feel unsafe in their own home, a study has found. Falling ill or having an accident with no-one nearby to help, anti-social behaviour and having no support is leaving almost one in five pensioners fearful in their own home as they get older. Others admit to worrying they are going to be targeted by burglars or forceful cold callers when at home alone. Worryingly, despite four in ten saying they wouldn’t want to go into a care...
A kite surfer used survival techniques to make a life raft out of his equipment in dangerously cold water while emergency services searched for him in the sea. Devon coastguard teams, lifeboat crews, an ambulance and a search and rescue helicopter were called to reports of a kite surfer in difficulties in North Devon on Monday night. He spent approximately an hour in the 11.4 degrees centigrade water and bent the inflation tube at the front of the kite to...
Caretaker Kevin Would used school tables laid out on the floor at Willerby Carr Lane Primary School in Hull, East Yorks., to create an unusual walkway for the ducks. In the footage, the mother duck is seen leading her new borns back through the school in formation. Headteacher Sean Smith said: "The mother was nesting and laid her eggs in the quadrangle in the middle of the school."Our caretaker Kevin made a nice little pond for her and she had...
Britain’s longest serving employee has no plans to retire after working for the same company for 70 YEARS. Monica Evans, 89, has barely taken a day off since starting her job as an accounts clerk at an engineering firm when she was just 19. Incredibly, Monica has remained at the same firm ever since and on Friday (28/4) celebrates the 70th anniversary of her first day at work. She now works for the great-granddaughter of her first boss at Kigass... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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