This heart-stopping dashcam footage captures a reckless driver swerving across three lanes of a busy motorway to make the exit slip road. Trucker Mike James was approaching junction 11a of the M5 in Gloucestershire when a black Audi A3 overtook him in the outside lane. But seconds later it suddenly swerves left towards the southbound slip road - squeezing between two moving cars in the middle lane. The car kicks up a plume of dust on the slip road hazard...
Meet the real life ‘Kick Ass’ – a ten-year-old British girl who is the best junior kickboxer in the WORLD. Tiah Ayton took up the martial art four years ago after her parents noticed she enjoyed play fighting with little sister. Her coaches were instantly impressed and within months she was fighting BOYS who were three years her senior just to get a fair match. Nicknamed ‘Girl On Fire’ the determined fighter trains six days a week and has already...
Incredible footage of the Birmingham Second World War bomb being detonated - from a drone flying hundreds of feet above the scene. West Midlands Police released the astonishing clip, hours after a two-day drama came to an end when army experts safely blew up the 550Ib German bomb . The clip shows the potentially-deadly explosive being detonated - with huge plumes of sand and smoke flying into the skies. Meanwhile, it has been revealed the device was one of the...
These stunning images show the amazing bond that has developed between a photographer and a fox. Iza Lyson, 20, has formed such a strong relationship after snapping the vixen in her forest home that it even lets her HUG her. Rather than flee from the camera, the curious fox seems happy to pose in front of the lens. Iza said: “She likes me very much. I’m the only photographer that can hug her. “I think that it’s because of my...
A D-Day hero yesterday became the world’s oldest tandem skydiver – aged 101 and 37 days. Daredevil Verdun Hayes leapt from a plane at 15,000ft to glide into the record books. The great-granddad jumped with ten other people, including three generations of his family and the doctor who signed him off. He stole the world title after knocking Canadian Armand Gendreau, who was 101 and three days when he jumped in 2013, off the top spot. The sprightly centenarian, of...
This is the shocking moment a council bin man trashes a homeless man's possessions while his back is turned. The rough sleeper had set up 'home' on the streets of Cambridge but after moving from his spot, refuse collectors were quick to bundle away his possessions. He said: “I had the only three photographs of my son which I own which they dumped. It is just shocking. He died three weeks ago in a car crash. He was in care because...
James Ellis, 15, was feeling shaky and unwell but was asked to PROVE he had the condition before he was allowed to order at the branch in Yardley, Birmingham. He was eventually sold two burgers after he emptied the medical contents of his diabetic pouch on the counter. His mother Victoria Ellis said James, who was diagnosed with type one diabetes three weeks ago, had gone to the chain with four friends on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Ellis, 40, said: “They...
Footage shows the ducklings being scooped up by Jim Robinson who noticed they were stuck while on an walk through the east side of Lancaster University campus. The ducklings were then placed into a large metal pan half filled with water. It's believed the tiny ducklings simply fell trough the grate and had been stuck for around 15 minutes before being rescued on April 20 this year. Hero Jim said: "The mother had already left by the time I got...
A D-Day veteran has been given a free mobility scooter by a military charity - to help him cope with injuries to his backside caused by a Nazi hand grenade. Brave Joe Vango, 92, took part in the Normandy landings and was held in the Stalag XIIA POW camp in Limburg, Germany, in 1944, the same year he was enlisted. He was hit in the behind by a German grenade and says" ''if it had been another inch or two... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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