Road users were left scratching their heads when bungling workmen painted a lopsided cycle symbol - which looked more like a "wonky penny farthing." The crooked sign, to indicate a cycle lane in London Road, Sleaford, Lincs., has baffled cyclists since it appeared on Sunday (2/7). Red-faced bosses at Lincolnshire County Council have vowed to replace the image with the correct template after receiving a deluge of complaints. Retired HR manager Paula Brown, 61, who lives nearby, said she...
A student was almost blinded and left with facial scars after she was viciously glassed in the FACE by a man at a bar on holiday. Danielle Beavis-Smith, 22, was enjoying her last night of a break in Egypt with her boyfriend and family when she was attacked by another guest. She accepted a drink from a woman at the all inclusive bar apparently infuriating the girl’s male partner – who smashed a glass of rum and coke into her...
A mindless thug is captured on CCTV battering a terrified dog before taunting it by pretending to hurl the animal into a CANAL. Police are hunting the yob who was unknowingly caught on camera launching an attack on the pooch on a canal towpath. The 1.19-minute footage shows the man, dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans, grab the white bull terrier-type dog by the scruff of the neck. He is then seen whipping the mutt across the face and...
This is the sickening moment a heartless woman was caught on camera stealing from a charity which helps sick and disabled children. The brazen thief waits to see no-one is watching her before removing the jacket from a mannequin and stuffing it into her bag. The coat would have fetched around £25 for the Colchester Children's Charity, which chose to release the footage after getting fed up of their stock being stolen. Trustee Roy Kemp said: "It was a Sgt...
Dramatic video footage filmed by a passer-by shows the violence erupting outside the shop in Nottingham earlier this month. The pair can be seen yelling at each other before one of the women grabs the other by the hair and swings her round sending her crashing into a baby's buggy. One of the girls boots the other in the face before a security guard intervenes to separate the warring pair as stunned shoppers watched on in disbelief. A spokesman for...
Undercover footage has revealed over-crowded pigs cannibalising the rotting carcasses of other hogs in a shocking expose of factory farming. Shocking footage of the swine munching on the dead flesh of other pigs was shot by animal rights' activists at a pork farm. The remains of piglets, riddled with maggots and slung in a skip to decompose, were caught on camera along with two skulls found in pig pens. Sick animals were left with the remains of dead pigs, contrary...
A village sheep race which features 'jockeys' tied to their backs has been axed after protesters claimed it was 'terrifying' for the animals. The annual contest sees 50 sheep run around a 70m grass track with stuffed toy jockeys on their backs. But it was cancelled after more than 40,000 people signed a petition which calls for the tradition to be scrapped over concerns for the sheep's welfare. The fete in Woodditton, Cambs., was due to place on July 9...
This shocking video shows the moment an angry customer went on a violent wrecking rampage at a taxi firm because drivers refused to give him a lift. Staff in the office of cab firm 50 Cars were helpless and cowering at the back of the room as a man smashed the hatch window and pulled at electrical equipment. All the while the man, who is known to the taxi company, was shouting and swearing and threatening the employees. The incident,...
The driver of the Renault appears to be so distracted by his conversation that he carries on without stopping. But he got a nasty surprise when he was presented with dashcam footage which had clearly identified him as the guilty party by his registration plate. His insurers were landed with a £2,000 repair bill by the HGV's owner. And now the white van man could face penalty points and a fine under tough new driver distraction laws. The footage, filmed... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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