"We try to give food in a very relaxed manner, so as to make sure people don't feel embarrassed or ashamed."
“Police will apparently barge into our homes during Christmas but office workers can all hang out - it’s just ridiculous."
The judge said it would "harden his heart" to lock up a young lady.
"If there's one message I could get out there, it's that even when this is all over, there are still struggling people in our communities, and we cannot walk away from them."
"These children are my whole life, I raise them all on my own and they keep me going through the long hours of juggling everything."
"While not mentioned in the current proposal Black Lives Matter, a patently political movement is clearly the catalyst, a movement that is demonstrably contentious and of itself offers little, to enhance the lives of the Urchfont community."
"This was a vicious and sustained attack on a terrified horse, who for much of it was tethered and unable to escape while being exposed to inexcusable violence."
“We are very proud of my father for walking his garden and raising money for a great number of people, and getting recognised for the work he’s done is an honour.”
“This was a blatant breach and put all those this woman came into contact with at unnecessary risk."
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