“Don’t let it happen to you, send away for your kit today and do what you’re supposed to do. Save your life and your loved ones around you.”
“When I saw the bill I was crying. I thought, ‘how amazing is this man? He’s unbelievable. He deserves a knighthood."
Hope was born at the start of the first lockdown in March and was so-called because keepers said she symbolised a ray of hope in a bleak time.
“Everyone that thinks it’s a big joke and in a big conspiracy theory needs to just wise up and listen.”
"This is why we're in a second lockdown, because of selfish idiots like her."
“She definitely paces out her laps quite quickly. I kept telling her to slow it down.”
"I'm so grateful for what has happened. When I found my old van I was crying like a baby, I couldn't believe it. But since then I have seen how amazing, kind and generous people can be."
“It’s so relevant so I thought it’d be funny to do."
The heartless thieves also made away with the staff tip jar.
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