A lethal motorist smashed into three of his own family when he ran down a neighbour who complained about a party.
Dangerous Yasin Ahmed, 23, furiously ploughed a Ford Fiesta into his victim who was left with three broken ribs after complaining about noise at a summer party.

After the complaint, Ahmed furiously jumped into the hatchback and reversed the car in the direction of the man, in his 40s, without realising that three of his family members were in his path.
He then turned the car around and drove into the neighbour, of the Isle of Dogs, east London, at speed to try and intimidate him on 7 August last year.

Three members of Ahmed’s family were left with minor injuries during the savage attack, which has now seen him disqualified from driving for five years.
At Snaresbrook Crown Court the driver, of Bethnal Green, east London, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent, dangerous driving and three counts of assault on 17 January.

On Friday Ahmed was handed six years and nine months behind bars and was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £170.
Detective Constable Michael Dixon of Tower Hamlets CID, who led the investigation, said: “Not only did Ahmed hit three of his own family members, mobile phone footage showed him being just feet away from hitting a number of young children too.
“Ahmed is incredibly lucky he did not kill someone. He is a dangerous individual and London is now a safer place with him off the streets and behind bars.”