Keepers at Newquay Zoo are giving round-the- clock care to an unusual baby – a six banded armadillo.
The mums, part of the Facebook group Designer Genes, were inspired after seeing another carpool karaoke video which was signed with Makaton.
Roshan Singh was playing with friends in a field when he fell into the uncovered bore well, which was 117ft deep
Courtney Garrett, 38, and her husband Philip, 42, now have six little ones after years of fertility struggles which left them fearing they might never have children at all
A young charity shop worker brought a smile to a pensioner's face when she tracked her down to hand over a $10,000 wad of cash - hidden inside a donated purse being sold for a TENNER. The massive stack of $100 bills, worth about £7,000, was found in the lining of the purse which was given to the charity shop for sale. Sophie Condren, the assistant manager of the Shelter boutique in Hampstead, north London, found the huge stack of...
Kind-hearted Amaarah Mian-Cudmore came up with the idea at Christmas after spotting rough sleepers while at shopping with mum Safoora, 44
Britain's oldest skier has vowed to return to the slopes yet again -- at the grand old age of 98. George Stewart first picked up a set of skis while serving as a Captain for the Royal Artillery in Italy during World War Two. The fit pensioner's enthusiasm for the slopes led him to introduce the sport to his son Alan -- who went on to represent Team GB as an alpine skier in two Winter Olympics. And George from...
These adorable images show the very first steps taken by a five-month-old gorilla called Makari as he larks about with his playful troop of endangered primates. Tiny Makari can be seen by visitors to Blackpool Zoo sitting up and moving around under the watchful eye of his mum Miliki and dad Bukavu. Makari The Western Lowland baby gorilla - whose name was handpicked by zoo staff over a Facebook poll - was born in September last year. He joins up...
These adorable photos show a tiny otter cub who is being hand-reared in complete silence - after she was found abandoned at less than two WEEKS old. A tiny otter pup is being cared for at the Vale Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre near Tewkesbury after being found alone and freezing by the RSPCA. Weighing less than 200g (7oz), the young female pup is one of the smallest to be brought in to the centre for about 10 years. The... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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